احتمالاً غلط املایی دارد, شما به دل نگیرید
The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having his tonsils taken out. His throat hurt, and he was scared. However, the young nurse standing by his bed smiled so cheerfully that the little boy smiled back. He forgot to be afraid. The young nurse was May Paxton and she was deaf.
May Paxton graduated from the Missouri School for the Deaf at Fulton near the year 1909. Three years later she went ti see Dr. Katherine B. Richardson about becoming a nurse. Dr. Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City, Missouri. She had never heard of deaf nurse. Dr. Richardson told May that her salary would be very small and that the work would be arduous. However, May said that hard work did not frighten her. Dr. Richardson was impressen with her, and accepted May as a student nurse.
Dr. Richardson never regretted her decision. In fact, she was so pleased with May's work thath she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses. The first was Miss Marian Finch of Aberdeen, South Dakota, who was hard of hearing. The second was Miss Lillie Bessie speaker of St. Joseph, Missouri. These three were called "the silent angels of Mercy Hospital" during the time they worked there.
May and Marian did not know each other before Marian was hired by the hospital. When Marian first came to the hospital, Dr. Richardson introduced May to Marian. She showd them to the toom they were to share. During the next two days, the two girls wrote notes to each other. Finally, other nurses asked Marian if she knew that May was deaf. Marian ran to the bedroom and asked May in sign if she realy was deaf. May answered in sign. Then, as the joke sunk in, the two girls brust into laughter.
May was always conscientious about following orders. Only once did she disobey Dr. Richardson. It took a lot of time to care for all the sick children, as a result, Dr, Richardson asked the nurses not to take the time to hold the new babies when they were crying. However, May hated to see the babies cry. When Dr. Richardson was not around, she found time to hold them. This small change helped the nursery to run much more smoothly. When Dr. Richardson discovered what May was doing, she recognisized that May's action had improved the nursery, and decided to overlook May's disobedience.
Dr. Richardson often spoke of her faith in the girls' ability to learn nursing. She wrote to may, "For three years, you have been with us ... It is wonderful to me that no man, woman or child ever, to my knowledge, made a complaint against you ..."
متن ریدینگ دوم امتحان امروزمون بود این :| , 61 سوال بود بقیه رو تو 20 دقیقه نوشتم این لاشه سگ خودش 25 دقیقه وقت گرفت. تازه سوالاشم عادی نبودن. باکس باکس کرده بود نوآوری داشت خیر سرش. حالا کلاً نوشتم مشکلی ندارم باهاش. ولی محض خالی نبودن عریضه بگم کـ..خوار Dr. Richardson و وابستگان سببی و نسبی.
وبلاگ بلاگفام بگای سگ رفته. وقتی میری توش انگار نمیری توش. چون میری تو یه جای دیگه. هرچی هم تو سورساش میگردم هیچ کد ارجاع دهنده ای پیدا نمیکنم. سرویس کرده اعصابمو.
آلبوم جدید رضا یزدانی رو هم هنوز وقت نکردم درست حسابی گوش کنم. یبار که گوش کردم زیاد به دلم ننشست. ولی نمیتونم نظر قطعی بدم که تخـمیه چون آلبوم قبلیش هم اولش به دلم ننشسته بود ولی بعدش خیلی خوشم اومد ازش.
کلاً امتحانات دارن به تباه ترین و کم بازده ترین وضع ممکن میگذرن. حس میکنم از وقتم اونجوری که باید استفاده نمیکنم. اتلاف وقتم خیلی زیاد شده. یعنی خب واسه امتحان میخونم کامل ولی باید بیشتر واسه باقی درسا وقت بذارم. اینجوری فایده نداره. باید طرحی نو دراندازم.
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